When to Stay
Home from Academy
with mild Covid-like symptoms should take a test (PCR or rapid), and only
attend if the test is negative, they do not have a known Covid exposure, and
symptoms are improving. Students with moderate to severe Covid-like symptoms
must stay home.
If your
child is ill with a contagious or communicable illness, please keep them home.
Students should not attend Academy if:
- they have a
fever of 100.4 F or higher (following an illness, temperature should remain
normal for 24 hours before they return to Academy)
- they have
vomited or had diarrhea within the previous 24 hours
- they have a
sore throat or upset stomach
- they are
coughing excessively, or their chest and nose are severely congested
- there are
any signs of contagious infection such as pink eye, etc.
If you have questions about your
specific situation, please call an Academy Team member at 626-403-8900 or email
We ask all members of our community to
adhere to the following:
- Individuals with mild and improving
symptoms of any kind are encouraged to wear a mask in class to reduce the
spread of illness.
- Individuals who have been in close
contact with someone with COVID-19 are expected to follow current CDC
guidelines for masking and testing.
- If a student develops any of the
symptoms described above while onsite for classes, we will call you to pick
them up.
- We encourage individuals to wash their
hands frequently and to properly cover their sneezes and coughs. Support from
parents on reinforcing these behaviors at home is appreciated!
In addition, we clean all high-touch surfaces frequently and have HEPA
air filters running anytime classes are in session.